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As the 2021 holiday season approaches, most of us are desperately eager to get back to some semblance of normal after nearly two years of illness, fear and increasing divisiveness. With that in mind, this year's mix steers clear of politics altogether and offers instead a diverse sampling of holiday material from each of the past seven decades. 


This mix begins with the opening number from Dean Martin's 1968 Christmas Special, originally broadcast at the end of another very difficult year. Martin was an extraordinary talent I've long admired, and I've no doubt his holiday special brightened many homes during the difficult 1968 season. The opening number sounds pretty good more than 50 years later, but it pales next to the video version, which can be seen HERE.


The balance of this collection includes a variety of offerings in many different styles, as can be seen in the track list that's available via the link below.


Additional information about the tracks on this year's mix is available on my holiday music blog, HERE.


Unfortunately, the software program I've used to compile these mixes in recent years is no longer available, and I was unable to find a comparable replacement. As a result, I was forced to rely on a less robust alternative that took far more time and produced a less professional result. Moreover, the demise of the CD as a popular recording medium has led me to discontinue my practice of circulating CDs to friends and family as I've done each Christmas for years. Finally, after nearly 20 years of producing these mixes, I've lost a bit of my original enthusiasm and it's getting increasingly difficult to find new material. As a result, this year's collection will likely be my last or nearly last effort. It's time to find something new and different. One way or another, I hope to keep this website up, and I'll post more information about my future plans.


My best wishes to all for a happy holidays and a wonderful 2022!

"Be a Santa" Mix Offers Seven Decades' of Holiday Tunes and Seasonal Fun

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